Sunday 7 July 2013


Temitope Ojedele- English Dept, 200L
The casualties are not only those who are dead, they are well out of it. The casualties are not only those who are wounded; though they await burial by installments. The casualties are not only those who have lost a person or property, hard as it is to grope for a touch that some may not know is not there...
But that touch is possible only if we try our best to eradicate terrorism. The effects of terrorism in the contemporary world cannot be underestimated. Every country, developed or
not, suffers from one form of terrorism or the other. The difference being that the effects are varied, as recent studies shows that terror acts are easily overcome in the scientifically advanced Nations and tend to be potent in the poor countries.
Terrorism, in its denotative meaning is the act of causing fear. In a political sense, it is the violence or threat of violence carried out for political purposes. In the old ages, terror was associated with visitations from powerful gods, who had control over life and death in an utmost indiscriminate manner. But as mankind became more sophisticated, some individuals perpetuate the act of terrorism through the manipulation of events and expectations.
In contemporary society, terrorism could occur in the form of bombing of air crafts, cities or government infrastructures by terrorists. These heartless individuals do not consider if the victims in this cruelty are innocent or not. A typical example of terrorist attacks is the bombing of the twin towers at the World Trade Center-New York on the 11th of September, 2001 and the recent Boko Haram bombings in Nigeria.
According to Samuel Zumue, ''the contemporary Nigerian society is engulfed by terrible acts of terrorism which occurs in the form of kidnapping by the terrorists of the Niger delta, or in the form of bombings which is the common practice of the Boko Haram of the North.
This act of terrorism has made living, a hell of an experience as a consequence of the proclamation of emergency rule in Bornu, Yobe and Adamawa states causing untold hardship on the citizens as restriction of all kinds have been placed; even food is not allowed to be transported to the villages.
In the past, terror has been the basis of tyranny. Over time, political leaders have adopted terror as a tool used in the fight for power. Examples are the Nazis in Germany in the 30's and 40's, the Soviets, during the reign of Joseph Stalin and other dictators around the world.
Terrorism, in a few cases, is also influenced by religious and ethnic variables, coupled with official corruption and state neglect of the masses. The most pervasive amongst these prerequisites are official corruption and state neglect of the people.
It is crucial that we ask ourselves what needs to be done to eradicate this pervading malaise which is at the verge of devouring the world. What strategies are to be adopted in order to combat this arch enemy that has turned our society into rubble? Our answer to these questions is found in the slogan ''IT BEGINS WITH YOU.''
We must learn the need to respect the view of one another as regards our various views. For it is only when we are able to tolerate the attitudes of one another that we would be taking our first step to eradicating this societal problem.
Another strategy that had proved to be effective is the fishing out of the various sources of funding and putting an urgent end to their sources of funds. It has been said that some countries support international terrorism through a network of charitable and humanitarian organizations, criminal enterprises, illicit and unregulated banking systems and the personal incomes from individual militant.

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