Sunday 7 July 2013


Modiu Olaguro-300L, Education & Mathematics
The Vice Chancellor of the University of Lagos- Professor Rahamon Bello has revealed that the University will start its online lecture classes from next session. This was revealed at an interactive session between the management and the student leaders in the council chamber after his return from an official assignment.
This new development is imperative in order to fast track
the instructional process (teaching and learning) in the university to world standard and also to ease the inconveniences encountered by the students and lecturers in large classes especially the faculty wide courses and general studies.
According to the Vice Chancellor, this move is designed to afford students an opportunity to interact directly with their Lecturers through the online media where lectures can be downloaded at no cost- making learning a possible and an itch free experience irrespective of the number of students taking the course.
He however assured the students that though the move can only be possible and effective if every student own a laptop, it would not be imposed on the current students but would be made a condition for subsequent admissions.
Other issues that were discussed by the Vice Chancellor were on the fixing of classes by lecturers on weekends which according to him was against the foundation which the school was laid upon hence, a need to put an end to it; he advised the students to report such cases directly to him as his office is always open to students at any time.
Speaking on the protest, he cautioned that though protests might yield results, its smears the image of the school and its negative effects and impacts far outweigh its merits. Therefore, there is need to avoid it by embracing dialogue and reporting any grievance to the appropriate quarters.

The VC concluded the interactive session by advising the students to report any form of crime, weaponry and drugs to the security units as there had been increasing cases of weapon recovery from students in the various halls of residence.

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