Sunday 7 July 2013


Taiwo Ekeleme, English Dept, 200L
With hearts rising and falling, the Students of the University of Lagos trudged to the Main Auditorium on the 3rd of July 2013 to witness the tussle; the war of words as regards the topic-
Sovereign National Conference, Is it desirable at this stage of Nigerian Development?
The program began with the National Anthem followed by the introduction of guests to the high table in the persons of Prof. Awonusi from the Dept. of English, Dr. Badru from the Dept. of Arts/Soc. sciences, Dr. Olodola from the Dept. of Political Science, Dr O.O Okoro from the Dept. of English and Dr O.O Sani from the Faculty of law, who acted as the Judges.
Other lecturers present included Dr Nbang Owolabi (CMUL), Prof. Odukoya (Fac. of Pharmacy), Dr. Owolabi (Fac. of Pharmacy), Dr. Oladeinde Dada (Fac. Of Pharmacy), Prof. Coker (Fac. of Pharmacy), Mrs Akinyele (Fac. of Pharmacy) and Dr. U.A.C Okafor, who unrelentingly cheered their
More introductions followed by Mc Lamu, as Dr Ntekim Rex from the English Dept. was ably acknowledged as the hidden success behind the event, grooming the debaters for the grand finale of the competition. The Dean of Students Affairs-Prof Amund, was also greeted with a round of applause. To the delight of all and sundry, the winner of last year's University Debate in person of  Abdul Hakeem Buhari was introduced. Dressed in a smart suit, he commended the debaters on their performance and emphasized the fact that ''our say matters ,not our way''; hence the need for dialogue.

Then came Muyiwa-the 2nd runner up to Buhari commending the participants after which he highlighted the state of decadence Nigeria is in hence, the need for a 'Sovereign National Conference'. He also commented on the power outage which occurred three times during the debate.
Mohammed Camara- a one time winner of the University debate from the Faculty of Education also came up stage with words of commendation especially for the ladies who had not ceased to wow him. He also spoke on the need for the youths to be involved in any National Conference.
After the war of words between the smart-looking Mr Odiase  Osas (Fac of Engineering-73.8points), the fast speaking Mr Agbusho Oludare Olumuyiwa (Fac of Law-72.2 points), the motivational Miss Onasanya Gbemisola (Fac of Pharmacy-71.2points), the excellent Miss Ojelade Temitope (Fac of Clinical sciences-74.4points),the very audible Mr Nwakoro Samuel,(Fac of Sciences-71.8points), and best of all-the Queen of words-Miss Adegunloye Mary Olubukola (Fac. of Social Sciences-77.4points), the scores were announced based on the following marks: content-30, appearance-10,persuasion-25, fluency-20,poise10, and timing- 5.
The beautiful and smart student of the Dept. of Masscom –Miss Olubukola Mary was adjudged to be the winner of the debate getting a certificate of participation, an award, a laptop, and the sum of 50,000naira. Miss Ojelade Temitope and Mr Odiase Osas came 2nd and 3rd runner up respectively.

As the audience departed, the beaming smiles on most faces showed an in-depth satisfaction on the verdict of the judges as regards who was good, who was better, and who was the best.

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