Wednesday 5 June 2013


by Adeyemi olalemi

On a fateful Friday evening, 24th May to be specific, fun loving students of the University of Lagos and Yaba college of Technology stormed the Placido event centre opposite YABATECH for an all-night A.B.C pool party organized by Nodge Entertainment.
At around 1am in the midst of merriment, a student who was extremely drunk dived
into the pool. After few minutes, it was discovered that he was drunk and was quickly rescued according to an eye witness who craved anonymity.
Those who saw him when he was brought out of the pool believed that he had already died, but the organizers came and announced that he wasn't dead and that the party should continue, but on Saturday afternoon, it was confirmed that he was dead.
There have been widespread news about the organizers neglecting the student whose name is confirmed to be Moses, and this was also confirmed by the eyewitness who said the student was left outside the event centre for several minutes before a cab came to pick him.
Last Wednesday, the CEO of Nodge Entertainment broadcasted a Blackberry Message claiming that Moses was not neglected, neither did he die at the ABC pool party nor was any of their members arrested as reported by the media but that he (Moses) died at LUTH as a result of his high level of alcohol intake as revealed by the autopsy report.

It was however, not confirmed, if he was a student of the University of Lagos at this time. It is hoped that this would be a lesson to students who take to alcohol and partying of the imminent danger of losing their lives.

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